

For the majority of 2023 PrizePicks set off to rebrand one of the fastest growing sports companies in the United States of America. We partnered with an outside agency to help us research who our members were and understand their interests, the apps they use, the sports they like and the way they speak.

After several months of research and studying they put their pens to paper and began exploring how that research came to life in brand form. A few months after that we started seeing creative that looked like s#!t (just being honest). Instead of accepting what they were handing us, the ECD and I decided to lock ourselves in a WeWork in NYC for a week. We used their research, but our understanding of our member base and community to develop a stronger logo mark, bolder tone of voice and several other executions that pushed us outside the box of a standard Fantasy Sports company.

The idea was to cut out the suit and tie bulls#!t, and f*%k up the program. Complete irreverence for the industry.

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as i said,
only doin'
dope s#!t.

← back it up
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